Amega Global Bios

Amega Global

Executive Bio History
The reference source for bios appears after the bio content. All bio material is compiled from public sources and is presented as it appeared at the source.

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Eric Banks  
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Mr. Eric Banks, born in England, served his apprenticeship in engineering with Babcock & Wilcox and became a design engineer (HNC). Two years later, he established his own engineering consultancy with projects for large multi-nationals like Ford Motor Company and Matthew Hall. He was then recruited to become Deputy Chief Engineer for research and development for a division of Matthew Hall.

Eric furthered his studies for an MBA to supplement his qualifications in finance & corporate law. Becoming inspired by the financial world, at the age of 27, he joined a Swiss based global investment firm dealing in Wealth Management. Within a few short years Eric achieved the enviable status as one of the leading group managers in Europe with over 1,000 staff. He went on to be appointed a Divisional Director of Anthony Gibbs Merchant Bank, one of the oldest merchant banking firms in the world, (established 1812) Their portfolio for high net worth clients included Equities, Securities, Gold, Diamonds, Artwork, Wine and the Real Estate market. Their core business included tax planning.

By his mid-thirties, deciding to follow the entrepreneurial spirit, Eric established a publishing company that specialized in the property market. At the same time he formed a property development company that built an Award winning group of twelve individual designer executive mansions on his Scottish country estate. Eric also acquired a large farm that he developed into a diversified leisure project with stabling for 20 horses and other amenities.

Years later he moved to the Middle East and Singapore and started a group of International enterprises, dealing in Global Funds, Wealth & Asset Management, International O/S Banking and Real Estate projects in Asia Pacific and Europe. Eric’s hobbies include fine wines, artwork and collecting classic cars like Rolls Royce, Bentley, Aston Martin, Lagondas, Jaguar and Mercedes.

Over the years, Eric has earned an illustrious reputation as a leader in Global Finance and Wealth Management. As the President of Amega Global, Eric utilizes his skills and vast experience in finance and management to ensure a strong financial foundation and international level of management for Amega Global.

Source: Amega Global Website

Arun Kemer  
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Group CEO
Mr. Arun Kemer always dreamed of having his own business. His dream became a reality at the age of 24. Within a matter of years he reached his goal in becoming a millionaire. Then in 1998, in the wake of the Asian Financial crisis, Arun, like many, many business owners, his business suffered set-backs from events totally beyond his control.

Arun then decided to work on his personal development believing that in being the ‘best person he could be’ would naturally extend to his professional life. He then studied with such notable world-class masters such as Anthony Robbins, Tom Hopkins, Harvey Mackey, Jay Abraham, Roger Dawson, Brian Tracy and many more.

Arun then developed “Success Dynamics” a system for personal development/Achievement and “TrainEx” an online Continual Training Management System. An outstanding performance system, which supports, measures and enriches any individual or organization. He is one of the founding members for Asia Speaker Association (ASA). ASA is affiliated to the National Speakers Association (NSA) of USA. He also a member of American Society For Training and Development (ASTD) and Singapore Training And Development Association (STADA).

With his extensive experience in creating; consulting and conducting training for a variety of organizations throughout Asia, Arun combined his passion for excellence and his dynamic training abilities to found Amega Global.

Arun’s greatest pleasure comes from training and motivating individuals to realize their potential and to succeed in making their dreams a reality. He developed the tools and extensive support systems for Amega Global that has helped tens of thousands of individuals take that first courageous step toward achieving financial independence. His Amega System works – just ask those who use these valuable tools everyday and are making their dreams for financial independence a reality.

Source: Amega Global Website

Calvenn Starre  
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VP of Business Development
A graduate from Texas Tech University, Calvenn began working his way up the corporate ladder, from Outside Sales Representative to the youngest partner and Vice President of an International Natural Gas Company in Houston, Texas.

As a proven leader and a spirited entrepreneur, Calvenn was recruited by Tony Robbins as a Top Peak Performance Trainer for Fortune 500 Companies. Within 6 months, he was the #1 Trainer for the Anthony Robbins Companies. He maintained his position as one of Tony's Peak Performance Trainers in the United States for 2 years before resigning.

In 2001, Calvenn founded All Legal Credit, a credit consulting/coaching company. In less than 1-year, he reached his capacity in personal clients. This inspired him to create the #1 Digital Resource on Credit Repair which now helps 10s of thousands of people. It was here that Calvenn began to understand the power of leveraging yourself and reaching more people.

In 2003, Calvenn co-founded an online shopping boutique, which would later have products featured on the Oprah Winfrey Show’s “2005 Greatest Things” and be recognized around the world.

In 2004, Calvenn once again entered the world of Network Marketing with a Functional Juice Company. Along with traditional methods, his online marketing and branding helped create an organization of more than 65,000 distributors and still growing. As the #1 Enroller with that company, he personally helped thousands of distributors with the opportunity to create a passive income.

Today, with Amega Global, his mission continues as he assists others with creating the lifestyles of freedom and abundance.

“With the Amega Products and Leadership, I feel blessed to be a part of the team as we launch in the USA. I know that Amega Products are changing the world one person at a time and I am committed to insuring their success.”

Source: Amega Global Website

Rick Fleshman  
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VP of Marketing and Operations
Rick Fleshman has over 20 years experience at every level of the Network Marketing industry. He received his initial mentoring in the industry from two of the top earners in the business. After his initial experience with a large company at the distributor level, he went on to create a significant passive income for the next 7 years, both in the field as an independent representative and at the corporate level.

In 1993, after serving as National Marketing Director for a nutritional supplement company, he founded Full Circle Network Communications. FCN quickly became a leading provider of enhanced telecom products and found a niche in providing communications packages to the Direct Sales and Network Marketing industries.

They also developed proprietary computer-telephony applications that were noticed by technology companies such as Dialogic, a subsidiary of Intel, as well as cutting edge Internet Marketing firms such as Communications of America and Earnware Corporation. These two core competencies lifted FCN to a multi-million dollar concern.

In 1999, Earnware Corporation, a high-tech internet marketing and strategy company acquired FCN, where Rick served as VP of Marketing, in an ownership capacity. Earnware provides Internet and telephony-based marketing tools that automate the sales process and allow large sales teams to communicate more effectively and also handle large numbers of prospects through automated follow-up systems.

Earnware clients include Coca Cola, Countrywide Home Loans, Shaklee, AmeriPlan USA, and, to name just a few. At Earnware, Rick was responsible for several million dollars in revenue through large client acquisitions that were developed into solid long-term relationships.

Today, Rick lives in Chicago with his wife, Brigitte. He has a powerful vision to build on his successful entrepreneurial past and spent the last five years in high demand as a consultant in the network marketing industry. Many of the companies that Rick worked with offered energy-based products which gives him a unique and valuable experience not only in the Amega product lines, but also in the marketing and operations necessary to launch the USA for our company.

Source: Amega Global Website


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