  The Online Resource for Network Marketing and Direct Sales Professionals

Npros Classifieds

Our Audience is Your Target Market

Npros visitors are seeking information on network marketing and direct sales business opportunities. Our site is viewed by thousands of unique visitors each month. No other form of advertising gives you direct access to your target market.

All Npros classifieds receive rotation on our main index page and a guaranteed minimum of 2000 front page views. You can reach thousands of prospects each month, and add a link or email address for prospects to reach you.

Put your business opportunity in front of your target market today.

Add Your Classified

Complete these three steps to immediately add your classified:

  • Complete the information for your classified.
  • Submit and review your content
  • Activate your ad - 4 months of top market exposure for only $25.00
    We use PayPal as our primary form of payment. Through PayPal, we accept instant cash payments, and secure credit card transactions. You do not need a PayPal account to use this payment method if you choose to pay by credit card. Paypal merely provides the merchant charge service and processes the transaction for us. You may also fund a PayPal account through e-check services.

Upon completion, your ad will be immediately visible on our classifed page and begin rotations on the front page of our site.

Length of Ad Run
Your Ad Header

Max. 80 Characters

Your Ad Body
Experienced users may embed html tags and links in their ad body.

You may use standard HTML tags for bold, italic, and embedded links. Be sure your tags are complete and accurate before posting.

Your ad size is up to 500 characters, or approximately the size of the box to the right without scrolling.

URL for Ad Link
This will add a link at the end of your add. The title is how you want the link to display. Example: Click Here or My Home Page

The complete Link URL is the actual link.
Use the complete URL including HTTP://

Leave blank if you do not wish to attach a URL to your ad.

Text Link Title

Example: Click Here -

Complete Link URL



Email Address for Ad Contact
Leave blank if you do not wish to display an email address to your ad
Your Active Email Address
for Ad Verification

*This is required to activate your ad.


Ad Header

Ad Body


Reach thousands of interested prospects by listing your classified at Embed a link to your site or list your contact email. Drive leads to your opportunity.

Create an ad today.

Click Here

  Referral ID: 8665