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BIOPRO Technology News

Npros MLM / Network Marketing News Archive

March 2025

Lawsuit Challenges Biopro Claims  

A federal lawsuit has been placed against a California company known as Biopro, challenging the claim that its Cell Chip and the Universal Chip are capable of blocking electromagnetic waves that radiate from cell phones.

The lawsuit claims that Biopro is selling the chips nationwide, and that they...

Source: Npros

Lawsuit Challenges Biopro Claims
Posted 4/27/2010

BioPro Claims Cited in Cellular News  

A company, which coincidentally manufacturers "radiation shields" has issued a statement claiming that mobile phones could kill far more people than smoking or asbestos. The company, BioPro Technology is citing a a study by a neurosurgeon and cancer writer, Dr. Vini Khurana.

"It is anticipated tha...

Source: Cellular News

BioPro Claims Cited in Cellular News
Posted 6/2/2008

BIOPRO in Green Bay Gazette  

Career profile: Wellness: Fighting electrical pollution

Gloria Robertson became interested in BIOPRO Technology after listening to a program on Wisconsin Public Radio.

The topic was "dirty electricity." After losing a child to a brain tumor, Robertson knew she wanted to be a part of this company...

Source: Green Bay Gazette

BIOPRO in Green Bay Gazette
Posted 3/13/2007

BioPro in the Eagle Tribune  

BioPro gets mention in this article about Red Sox outfielder J.D. Drew's extraordinary efforts to keep his mind and body healthy..


Source: EagleTribune

BioPro in the Eagle Tribune
Posted 2/8/2007

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