Steffin Rangel has helped his father Mike in a multitude of successful business ventures over the past 4 years. Steffin was first introduced to the network marketing industry in early 2009 and was so attracted to the opportunity he saw that he made the decision to forego a scholarship and admission offer to one of the nation’s top law schools so that he could start a home-based business alongside his father. In just 8 short months, Steffin helped to create a multi six-figure per year residual income and oversee and train a sales force of more than 40,000 independent distributors. Needless to say, Steffin has not looked back since. Although relatively new to the network marketing world, Steffin’s proven skill sets in project management, viral marketing, computer systems, and his ability to build and maintain personal and professional relationships make him a valuable asset to the NuVia3 Corporate Team. Steffin will be primarily overseeing the day to day operations of the NuVia3 Community Matrix. |