Howard Johnson Int'l. |
In 1925, Howard Johnson borrowed $2,000 to buy a small corner drugstore in Wollaston, Massachusetts. It sold candy, newspapers and patent medicine - but Howard quickly noticed that the real action was at his old marble soda fountain. He figured that if he could invent a better tasting ice cream cone, the world (or at least Wollaston) would beat a path to the Howard Johnson store.
He came up with a "secret formula" for vanilla and chocolate ice cream. The secret was, in fact, based on his mother's recipe for ice cream - with all natural ingredients and twice the normal butterfat content. It was an immediate sensation, so he quickly added other flavors. He had invented a super premium ice cream.
By 1939 there were 107 Howard Johnson restaurants along East Coast highways generating revenues of $10.5 million.
Howard Johnson Int'l. Franchise
Hotels and Motels
Howard Johnson Int'l. Franchise
Startup Cost: 367K
High Startup Cost:
6700K |
Howard Johnson Int'l. Web Address:
www.howardjohnson.com |
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