Work From Home Blogging Guide
Building a extra stream of income while promoting your home based business
This Npros Work from Home guide will walk you through all of the basic steps to create your own Work from Home blog, create a Google Adsense account, create your own work from home content, and generate an extra income stream while promoting your home based business.
Blogging is one of the most effective ways to create an extra income stream. The key is that you must create content. But what's interesting to you is likely interesting to someone else, and that is what will attract visitors to your blog.
Getting Started
There are several free blog sites that allow you to create and host your own blog. For this guide, we're going to use Blogger.
Create your Blog
Visit Blogger
Follow the steps to create your own blog. You will need to create a Google email account ( FREE ) and then select the name of your blog.
It is important to create a blog title that is "Keyword Rich". Your goal is to receive search traffic to your blog from people interested in your content. Having a keyword rich title helps your blog get found when people are searching for related info.
Your URL should also contain your main keywords. If you are promoting a specific company, try to incorporate the company name in your title ( check with your company advertising policies first to be sure you are not violating any internet advertising guidelines)

You may used dashes to separate the words in your URL, but other special characters are usually prohibited. Keep your title as short as you can, while still incorporating some keywords.
After creating the title and URL of your blog, you will select a template. Blogger does almost all the work for you. Once you create your template, the only aspects you will need to customize are the generic links within the page. ( If you're inclined, please add a link to!)
Create Content
The key to a successful blog is content. There are two typical methods for finding content. The first is writing your own. Writing about what you know, your business, your day to day experiences promoting your business, sucess stories, upcoming events, etc.
The second is to find links. You can create links to content related to your blog, post a few words or thoughts recommending the link or content.
For your first few posts, blog about what you know. Blog about your business, or your experiences working from home, things you've found useful in managing your time, and so on. You will need to create a few posts over a few days in order to begin monetizing your blog.
You can also find news content by subscribing to the Work From Home News Clipping Service (FREE). You can also access a complete list of news posts from Npros, available in a simple format that can be cut and pasted directly into your blog. You should always lead in to your news posts with a paragraph or at least a few lines of unique descriptive text of your own.
Your blog will be an ongoing project. As you create new content, you increase the number of blog pages that may be of interest to someone searching with common interests. Your blog posts never go away - there is no lost effort. Having a successful blog is like having a successful storefront that is open 24-7.
Monetizing Your Blog Content
Google Adsense is one of the primary sources of ad revenue on the internet. Those little ads you see on virtually every website you visit? Like the ones in the box to the right of this paragraph? Those are Google Adsense ads.
Advertisers pay Google to promote their products and services through the Google Adwords program. The ads are 'contextual', meaning the ad content typically fits with the theme of the site or the page they are displayed on. ( If you are considering advertising your home business with Google Adwords, click here:
A blog about Real Estate would typically have Google Adsense ads that relate to real estate, real estate listings, find an agent. Work from Home blogs will usually display ads relating to home businesses.
Create your adsense account
Once your blog has content posted, you can sign up for Adsense. (
Google will check your blog and typically approve you for Google Adsense within a few days. If you already have a website, you can submit it to Google Adsense immediately. You will use the same Google Adsense account on all your sites if you wish to monetize them all.
Important Warning: NEVER CLICK YOUR OWN GOOGLE ADSENSE ADS. No matter how compelled you are to see if it works, you should never click on your own ads on your own site. Leave that to your visitors.
Adding Google Adsense to your Blog
Google and Blogger make it simple to add the Adsense code to your blog. When you are logged in to your Blogger account, access the Template page:

At the top of the page, you should see a link that says "Adsense". Follow the instructions to automatically insert your Google Adsense code into your blog.
Now, you have successfully created your own work from home blog, created a Google Adsense account, and have started creating content.
You should try to create new posts daily. Content is King on the internet. Subscribe to the Npros News Service for access to daily news posts. Pick ones related to your business, or of general interest. Add your own unique blurb at the beginning, and post away!
Promoting Your Blog
Email friends, family and associates and tell them about your new blog. Ask friends with websites or blogs of their own to add links. Links help your blog rank better in the search engines.
You should also post your blog to various Free Blog Directories:
Blog Catalog
Blog Flux
Globe of Blogs
Using Your Blog to Promote an Existing Home Based Business
As your blog grows, and you generate incoming links from various sites and sources, your blog will develope "Page Rank". Page Rank is a measure of how popular a site is on the Internet, and search engines use it to determine how your page will stack up in search results for various search phrases. If you want to get a snapshot of your sites page rank (or any site for that matter) download the Firefox web browser ( FREE ):
Npros News Blog Content
To access free news clipping and blog content, please create a free Npros Affiliate Account . ( If you already have a Member Account simply log in here ). When you log in to the member area, the News Clipping Link is at the bottom of the first page.
Google Adsense:
Npros Work at Home Resource Directory ( add your new blog free ) |