Source: 10/8/2007

Pre-Paid Legal Launches National Media Campaign

Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc. Chairman & CEO Harland Stonecipher has announced the company's launch of our national media campaign Saturday, September 29, 2007 on Court TV at 11:00 a.m. Eastern, 10:00 a.m. Central, 9:00 a.m. Mountain and 11:00 a.m. Pacific. "The purpose of the campaign, entitled 'Justice for All - Accessing the Promise,'" Stonecipher said, "is to increase the awareness and familiarity of the Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc. Life Events Legal Plan(R). Any interest or leads generated by our media campaign will be immediately turned over to our Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc. sales associates located all across North America for timely follow-up."

Stonecipher said, "This program about our legal service and identity theft plans will find an audience with those interested in a revolutionary solution to the growing problem of limited access to justice. The program will be informational and educational in nature and provide a glimpse into our unique company and the services we provide. Far from a typical documentary which focuses on something interesting but may have little direct impact on the individuals viewing it, this program will address needs that most people have. In this particular episode, viewers will hear from four former Attorney Generals, a former American Bar Association President, top executives of national Chamber of Commerce organizations and also hear from some of our Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc. members about their experiences."


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