iWowWe Accepted Into DSA
According to CEO Bill Starkey, "The DSA is the premier trade association in our industry and has worldwide reach and influence. We are honored to be accepted into full membership as this is just one more evidence of our company's maturity and growth."
Based in Washington D.C., the DSA has developed international foundations to support Direct Selling and work to educate individuals, civic groups, and governments on the benefits of individual entrepreneurship. They also act as an enforcement agency of their stringent code of ethics and works with governments around the world to help shape laws and regulations that protect the industry.
Acceptance into the DSA is a long and sometime arduous process in which a company must demonstrate, over an extended period of time, adherence to the DSA Code of Ethics, stability in growth, and having a positive impact on the industry as a whole. Other DSA members include industry giants such as Avon, Tupperware, Nu Skin, Mary Kay Cosmetics, and Amway.
"We are very pleased with our official DSA membership," said Casey Minshew, COO. "We've worked hard to make their code of ethics part of everything we do at iWowWe from designing the new Dual Team Income System to how we pay our affiliates to how our Customer Service department supports the field. This is a great day for iWowWe!"