Source: Press Release 8/25/2013

Shopping Sherlock Acquires Vi-Tel Wireless

Best In U, Inc. aka Shopping Sherlock, a global direct marketer of innovative internet and mobile based technology solutions announced that on Saturday August 10th 2013 at the Vitel Impact Conference in Houston, TX, it was announced that Shopping Sherlock had completed a deal to acquire Vi-Tel Wireless, LLC with a target date set for September 1st 2013 to complete the acquisition and merger over to the Shopping Sherlock platform. This announcement followed an on stage introduction of Michael Wiedder, CEO and Founder of Shopping Sherlock, who went on to share his vision and plans for the future of the company and the value Shopping Sherlock can bring to the Vitel Wireless Independent Business Owners.

The founders and CEO Scott Rogers expressed their excitement and support about the merger, stating 'It has always been our goal to provide the best possible opportunity for the Vitel Wireless independent business owners and their families and we have realized that the Vitel executive team had taken Vitel as far as it could and in order to secure the future growth of the business owners and their families we had to make a tough decision to step back in order to let them grow. We felt in our hearts that we were holding them back and that if we could find a stable, growing company with a great product and strong leadership, the Vitel independent business owners could have a brighter future. It was in this search we found Shopping Sherlock and Michael Wiedder, who we feel exhibits the same heart and passion for his company and members as we do ours.'

When asked what made Vitel a good fit for Shopping Sherlock, CEO, Michael Wiedder, stated, 'Vitel Wireless has done a great job building a Company around culture and giving their independent business owners an opportunity to offer discounted services and make residual income on the use of those services. Shopping Sherlock's technology that automatically finds the best deals on products and services all over the world is synergistic with Vitel's mission and culture. In addition, we have given Vitel Wireless independent business owners the opportunity to now build a worldwide business. We look forward to adding their product mix to our vendor relationships which include the largest affiliate networks in North America, Asia and soon to be Europe, as well as one of the largest daily deal aggregators in the world, including Daily Deals from the top Company's around the world. When you add the recent launch of our mobile app, that offers daily deals and coupons that are geo-location based and allows our affiliates to make money as people save money, we believe we have the foundation to become a billion dollar Company. We look forward to working with the leaders and business owners from Vitel to help us achieve our collective goals.'

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