Source: KUTV Salt Lake City 4/21/2006

Creative Memories on KUTV

Fresh Idea: Company Helps Save Scrapbook Memories

Personal photographs are no longer just for the family photo album. In this Fresh Idea Michelle King shows us a creative new way to display your favorite memories.

Scrapbooking is no stranger to the state of Utah, but a local company is helping people preserve and re-produce some of their photo collections.

'Scrapbooking to me is my artwork. It's kind of how I express myself,' said Tiffany Bills, President of My Reflections.

'Scrapbooking to me is my artwork. It's kind of how I express myself,' said Tiffany Bills, President of My Reflections.

Everyone has memories to preserve but there is a way to have beautiful scrapbook art in your home whether you have a knack for it or not.

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