Source: Npros 1/10/2010

Former Melaleuca employee ordered to pay back 240K

Jeff Wasden, the former vice president of marketing for Melaleuca Inc. has been ordered by a state judge to pay reparations amounting to over $240,000 for breaking a former agreement not to criticize Frank VanderSloot, the company president.

The ruling was made by a state judge after Mr. Wasden was found in violation of the 2006 agreement for having made written statements that were critical of company president VanderSloot, and was to receive over $300,000 for agreeing not to make any negative statements about the company, its policies, products, ideals or employees.

Wasden allegedly sent e-mails, a letter, and a statement to the Idaho Legislature describing VanderSloot, as well as his methods as being hypocritical, while also claiming that his management tactics were based on fear and intimidation.

Despite Wasden's rejection of the verdict, judge Greg Moeller conferred that any validity to his appeal was void based on the fact that Greg Wasden violated an agreement.

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