Source: Npros 3/15/2006

NuVANTE added to Directory

From the NuVANTE website:

Our products are simple yet extremely effective. The effectiveness comes from well researched ingredients that make our products Active. These ingredients are specifically selected and combined to give each product IT, the Innovative Technology and science that was used to create a proprietary group of ingredients that not only make the product effective, but also create a product unlike anything else in the marketplace. IT establishes the rules for health.

Our Active products, Nourish and Replenish, have IT. They are rich in nourishing agents and cosmeceutical grade ingredients that have an active effect on the skin. Nourish is a proprietary blend of circulation and oxygenation agents combined with powerful age-defying and healing nutrients and anti-oxidants. Replenish is a proprietary blend of exfoliating and replenishing topical nutrients.

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  • NuVANTE added to Directory
    From the NuVANTE website:Our products are simple yet extremely effective. The effectiveness comes from well researched ingredients that make our products Active. These ingredients are specifically selected and combined to give each product IT, the Innovative Technology and science that was used t...  Read More...


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