Source: Npros 9/2/2010

Elur founder Dan Maltais Announces Company Closure

On August 18th, Elur founder Dan Maltais sent an update to Elur distributors announcing the company launch has been suspended indefinitely:

'Good Morning. We sincerely hope this email finds you all healthy and well.

First of all we would like to thank everyone for their patience and support over the last couple of months. Although Elur had the sincerest of intentions and loftiest of goals, unfortunately and sadly our vision and passion was far larger than our diminishing resources.

Our dreams of bringing Elur to the world were equally as crushed at the news Elur would be postponing its launch indefinitely. Our lives, families and goals were dramatically affected as owners and investors in Elur just as yours were as distributors. Our goals are all the same. To create time and financial freedom for our families and to help others to become healthy and to realize their dreams.

We know that many of you are disappointed and frustrated and we lose sleep every night knowing that we have let so many people down. You counted on us and we failed to deliver. As a distributor for over 20 years, I know how awful it feels to have your dreams pulled out from under you due to no fault of your own. There is a crushing weight on my chest knowing that this time the fault is mine.

We eternally thank our supporters and sincerely apologize for our failure. We take full responsibility and will do everything and anything we can to make sure that anyone still left with questions, refunds or unpaid commissions are taken care of and made whole. We want nothing but success and peace for you and your family and we will stop at nothing to make sure our obligation to you is fulfilled.

We have set up two separate e-mail addresses to help support you. The first is for refunds ONLY and the second is for any other questions you may have related to Elur or MLM. - REFUNDS!!! - Questions regarding Elur or MLM

If you would like to speak to someone directly you may call Dan Maltais.

Again we apologize from the bottom of our hearts for the failure of Elur and your lost trust in us. We thank you for your support throughout these difficult times and we look forward to helping in any way we can to ensure your success in the MLM industry.

Thank you.'

Dan Maltais

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