Source: Press Release 9/9/2013

Skinny Body Care to be Featured on The Balancing Act

Pompano Beach, FL, September 07, 2013 -- Skinny Body Care will be featured in a six-part mini-series on the popular morning show The Balancing Act® airing on Lifetime TV as part of the "Heath Matters" programming line-up set to air starting in January 2014.

Ben Glinsky, Founder and CEO of Skinny Body will discuss why people have tried multiple diets and weight loss products and still struggle to lose weight. Viewers will be introduced to the Skinny Fiber weight management product which contains glucomannan, caralluma, and cha de bugre, which suppress the appetite using enzymes and other digestive aides.

Topics covered during the series will include the importance of eating healthy and exercising along with the added help from Skinny Body before each meal to help with appetite and portion control. Trainers and a nutritionist will also join the series to share secrets and success stories.

"We're so glad Skinny Body Care is joining our show for this six-part series to educate our viewers about losing weight in a healthier way," says Doug Campbell, Executive VP of Programming for The Balancing Act® on Lifetime TV.

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