Source: Press Release 2/2/2013

Vemma Introduces Verve Bold

Scottsdale, AZ - January 31, 2013 - Verve Bold is the latest product to hit the energy drink market, and this one already has a fan club. Thousands of fans and hundreds of Brand Partners gathered Wednesday night at the Verve Lounge in the US Airways Center, home of the Phoenix Suns, to celebrate the launch of Verve Bold, which is packed with vitamins and antioxidants. Vemma Nutrition Company released Verve Bold for pre-order on January 24, 2013, and tens of thousands of cans have sold as of the official launch on Wednesday. Verve Bold differs from Vemma's original energy drink beverage, Verve, because it has 50% more energy and 70% less sugar. Verve Bold has 120mg of naturally sourced caffeine, no artificial colors or sweeteners, and a low-carb profile. The new energy drink is reported to have a fresh-tasting, tangerine flavor and is sweetened with a proprietary blend of organic cane sugar, xylitol and stevia (yielding only 5g of natural sweeteners per serving). "Verve Bold is poised to be the hottest and best-selling Verve product ever, and that's saying something since original Verve monthly sales are more than triple what they were a year ago,' commented Vemma Founder and CEO BK Boreyko. "The Verve Bold Blackout Launch Party was a blast, but the energy didn't stop at the gates of the arena. We had a nationwide Verve Bold toast via live web streaming at 7:30 p.m. on the 30th, so everyone could join in the toast. It was a great moment." Official Verve Bold launch parties were held at the US Airways Center in Phoenix, Arizona, Verve Central in Tempe, Arizona, and Verve Central East in Virginia Beach, Virginia. All three locations were packed to capacity. Hundreds of Verve Bold launch parties were held in private facilities throughout the country. Verve Bold is currently available in the United States.

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