Source: Press Release 1/10/2012

ForeverGreen Announces Growth Strategies for 2012

January 10, 2012 -- ForeverGreen Worldwide Corporation, a leading provider of nutritional foods and other healthy products, today announced the company has outlined new initiatives aimed at fueling continued growth in 2012.

In the first quarter the company will unveil new incentives for distributors to increase sales. These incentives include enhancements to the compensation plan that will reward these individuals and organizations that continue to further expand their operations.

ForeverGreen contracted with outside industry consultants to provide additional sales and marketing training, as well as unique business building tools. This firm has a proven track record of increasing business growth and development.

The company is also working with a strategic branding and communication firm to create and implement a cohesive identity for the growing company. The firm will organize and create a uniform image for the company that will further distinguish ForeverGreen and its products in the marketplace.

'Our impressive growth in 2011 has provided the company with the means, as well as the incentive to invest in our future success,' commented Ron Williams, CEO. 'As we have outlined our sales and earnings guidance for 2012, it's prudent to comment on how we are planning on achieving our success. Our main objective in the New Year is to build upon our 2011 growth and grow this corporation to the next level. These strategies, as well our global expansion and new product introductions, will significantly impact our fiscal results.'

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