Find a Tealightful Treasures Rep Tealightful Treasures Reps interested in offering Tealightful Treasures products or working with you to build a Tealightful Treasures business list on Npros. Click or scroll down to find a rep near you.
About Tealightful Treasures Tealightful Treasures offers tea, tea accessories and scone mixes at home parties. From the Tealightful Treasures website: Our hosts feel like a guest at their very own themed tea party, complete with delicate china and the intoxicating aroma of fresh-baked scones! Our consultants, who have a passion for tea and creating cherished memories, pamper their guests through a journey of flavors and fun while creating a fanciful atmosphere. You earn your money immediately by keeping 25% of the total customer sales at every Tea Party.
Tealightful TreasuresRep
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